Monday, 28 November 2016

Harakeke Putiputi

Dear Santa

Dear Santa Claus
My name is Piper Jorgea Crowe, thank you for giving presents. I love your presents. Santa you
are like a dream. Santa you are not too fat at all.
I love you Santa please can you give me a flower jacket and a lollipop with your picture on it.
Thank you Santa from Piper.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

I Would.....

I would never wear pompoms,
I would never buy pears,
I would never do pop whizz bang,
I would never go to buy a toy pig,
I would always like to think about the whole world as chocolate,

And I promise I will never eat pale pig.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Playing At Arizona's Birthday

Clack clack went the BBQ with the sausages on the BBQ. It is Arizona's’ birthday and we are going to have fireworks and a BBQ. We are going to play zombie tag around the house. I will tell you how to play zombie tag. Someone is the zombie and the zombie has to try and tag the others on the grass .Then we are going to play arise zombie on the trampoline. Only one person on the trampoline at a time!